이미현 MiHyun Lee
Email : leemh00921@gmail.com
Graduate : 2024
Present : Antimicrobial discovery center (Northeastern) -Lewis Lab post. doc
Trained Immunity in Natural Killer Cells for a Temperature-Sensitive Live Vaccine
김혜린 Hyelin Kim
Email : gpfls9440@naver.com
Graduate : 2024
대식세포에서 미토콘드리아 매개 세포사멸을 억제하는 Mycobacterium bovis BCG 유래 chorismate mutase 분비형의 병원성 기전 연구
이두형 Du hyung Lee
Email : rhyme402@snu.ac.kr
Graduate : 2024
Mycobacterium 속 내 malonate semialdehyde decarboxylase(MSAD)의 계통학적 분석과 활용 가능성에 대한 연구
최유민 YuMin Choi
Email : cym486486@snu.ac.kr
Graduate : 2023
Present : 서울대학교 미생물학교실 박사 후 연구원
김병준 Byoung-Jun Kim
Email : arukas22@empal.com
Present : KOGENEBIOTECH 수석연구원, 팀장
김보람 Bo Ram Kim
Email : blast3br@naver.com
Graduate : 2019
Present : 연세대학교 Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Role of Type I interferon in infection of Mycobacterium abscessus to macrophages
이소영 Soyoung Lee
Email : leesy8822@naver.com
Present : 대웅제약 생명과학연구소
Study on the mechanism of HBeAg negative chronic infection and liver disease progression via type I interferon signaling in patients with rt269I polymorphisms on polymerase reverse transcriptase of Hepatitis B virus genotype C
정혜인 Jeong Hyein
2022년 석사졸업
차가영 GaYeong Cha
Email : soleycha@snu.ac.kr
양수빈 SooBin Yang
Email : ysb260@hanmail.net
Present : 서울의대 법의학교실
A hepatitis b virus-derived peptide exerts an anticancer effect via TNF/iNOS-producing dendritic cells in tumor-bearing mouse model
공정렬 Jeong-Ryeol Gong
Recombinant Mycobacterium smegmatis transfected with a pMyong2 vector expressing Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I Gag can induce enhanced virus-specific immune responses in mice
김홍 Hong Kim
Research professor
Email : wild0804@snu.ac.kr
Present : Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Mechanism of Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Korea
이승애 SeungAe Lee
Research professor
Email : Anny4015@gmail.com
Present : Department of Translational Molecular Pathology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
바이러스 preS1 W4P 변이주에 의한 간세포암 성별차이 기전 규명
홍석현 Seok Hyun Hong
Email : hongsh2005@naver.com
Present : 고려대학교 의과대학 약리학교실 연구강사
A new Bacillus anthracis specific gene and its diagnostic application
이인경 In-Kyeong Lee
Email : inkyeonglee@gmail.com
Present : 한국수력원자력 선임연구원
B형 간염 바이러스 외피항원의 자연 발생 돌연변이에 의해 유도되는 소포체 스트레스 및 활성산소종이 간세포에 미치는 영향
김동원 Dong-Won Kim
Email : forminority@gmail.com
Present : 특허법인 다래 IP 전략 사업팀 선임연구원
Naturally occurring variants of hepatitis C virus NS5B protein in Korean patients with chronic Hepatitis C virus infection
이형기 Hyung-Ki Lee
Email : whenever88@naver.com
Present : 메디클라우드 연구소장
Molecular characterization of pM90, a novel linear plasmid from Mycobacterium sp. Strain MOTT90 and construction of a new Mycobacterium-Escherichia coli shuttle vector
김부경 bu kyung kim
Email : kimbukyung@gmail.com
Present : 에이피트바이오 부소장
Tumor-suppressive effect of a telomerase-derived peptide
김지은 Kim Ji-eun
Analysis of naturally occurring mutations in reverse transcriptase region of hepatitis B virus genotype C2 polymerase
김현주 Hyun-Ju Kim
Email : blue3919@nate.com
Present : 식약청
미코박테리아 균 동정을 위한 hsp65 유전자를 표적으로 하는 Duplex PCR 방법 개발
문호숙 Ho-Suk Mun
Email : hosukmun@gmail.com
Present : Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto Phd student
B형 간염 바이러스 (HBV) preS2 부위 F144L 변이주의 간세포암 발암 기전 연구
박주희 Joo-Hee Park
Email : asalella00@snu.ac.kr
eat shock protein 65 (hsp65) 및 16S-23S Internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) 유전자 염기서열 분석에 기반한 국내환자 분리 Mycobacterium intracellulare 유사 균종의 분자분류학적 연구
이수연 Su-Yeon Yi
Email : gotoseijyuro@gmail.com
Present : 삼성의료원 전략혁신팀 과장
Comparison of Innate Immune Response based on the Glycopeptidolipid between 2 hsp65 Genotypes within Mycobacterium massilinense.
이현주 Hyun Joo Lee
Email : forminority@gmail.com
Present : SK케미칼 연구소 의약사업분야 연구원
Mutation in Codon 5 of Hepatitis B Virus Core region Leads to the Activation of ER stress - ROS axis in Hepatocyte