Functional & Molecular Imaging System

    The research goal that we pursue is to develop the technologies with which we can acquire the biologically relevant and clinically useful information from human body and living animals. The current research interests of my laboratory included, but are not limited to, novel medical imaging systems, i.e. hybrid PET-MRI scanner, and advanced biomedical image analysis technologies. We are especially focusing on the radiotracer imaging modalities, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).
  • Development of Molecular Imaging Systems
    - MR-compatible PET systems using solid-state photo-detectors
    - Time-of-flight PET for clinical applications
    - Depth-of-interaction PET for high-resolution imaging
    - Inter-crystal scattering identification and recovery methods
  • Advanced Front-end and Readout Electronics for PET
    - Multiplexing method for SiPM based PET detectors
    - Time-based signal digitization and readout
    - Highly integrated time-to-digital converters
  • Deep Learning for Medical Images
    - Correction algorithms for physical factors in emission tomography
    - Image segmentation, denoising, super-resolution, etc.
    - DL-based radiation dose estimation
  • Internal Radiation Dosimetry and Tracer Kinetic Analysis
    - Voxel-based internal radiation dosimetry techniques
    - Modeling of newly developed radiopharmaceuticals for PET & SPECT
    - Development of very fast and reliable parametric imaging methods