Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

[일반] 2010학년도 신입생· 재학생 건강검사 실시 Health Examinations for Current and Incoming Students

2010-02-10l 조회수 3547
2010학년도 신입생ㆍ재학생 건강검사를 아래와 같이 시행하오니 대상 학생들은 검사에 적극 참여하여 주시기 바랍니다. - 아 래 - 1. 대상 : 신입생(학사ㆍ석사ㆍ박사) 및 재학생 전원 2. 일정 및 장소 : 2010.03.03(수) ~ 03.04(목) 의대 학생회관1층 휴게실 3. 검사항목 : 흉부엑스선, 혈압, 시력, 구강, 체격, 혈색소, 백혈구, B형간염, 간기능(AST/ALT), 소변(당/단백)검사 4. 검사비용 : 무료 5. 검사결과 : 2010.04.12(월) 이후 정보광장 - 학사행정 - 신체검사에서 확인 6. 재검기간 : 2010.04.12(월) ~ 04.16(금) 재검자는 개별통보 Health Examinations for Current and Incoming Students 1. Eligibility: All undergraduate and graduate students including freshmen 2. Date & Place ㆍCollege of Medicine/Nursing: Wednesday, March 3rd ~ Thursday, March 4th, 2010, at the lounge on the first floor of the College of Medicine Student Center 3. Time: 09:30 ~ 17:30 (service unavailable at lunch time, 12:00 ~ 13:00) 4. Checkup: Chest X-ray, blood pressure, eyesight, dental examinations, physical checkup, urine examination (proteinuria/diabetes), blood pigment, white blood cell, hepatitis B, liver function test (AST/ALT) 5. Fee: free 6. Examination results: Log on to SNU portal (→ click 학사행정(student administration)→ click 개인정보(personal information) tab on the left of the screen→ click 신체검사 관리(health examinations). The results will be available starting Monday, April 12th, 2010. 7. RE-examination period: Monday, April 12th ~ Friday, April 16th, 2010 (notices will be given beforehand for those who need re-examinations)