Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

2008년도 1학기 우수의과학자 특강 11주차

  • 연사 : 김영준 박사 (연세대 생명과학부)
  • 연제 : Construction of Integrated Epigenome Map in mouse
  • 일시 : 2008년 5월 29일(목) 오후 1시30분
  • 장소 : 함춘강의실
  • 문의 : 의과학과 사무실 02-740-8095
주요 발표 논문: Epigenetic regulation and the variability of gene expression. Nat. Genet. 2008 Down-regulation of NF-κB Target Gene by the AP-1 and STAT Complex during the Innate Immune Response in Drosophila. PLOS Biology. 2007 Down-regulation of LPS response in Drosophila by negative crosstalks between the AP1 and NF-kB signaling modules. Nature Immunology. 2005 MED16 and MED23 of Mediator are coactivators of lipopolysaccharide- and heat-shock-induced transcriptional activators. PNAS. USA. 2004 Signal-Induced Transcriptional Activation by Dif Requires the dTRAP80 Mediator Module. Mol. Cell. Biol. 2003