Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

2008년도 1학기 우수의과학자 특강 13주차

  • 연사 : 이인아 박사 (Iowa U.)
  • 연제 : Eavesdropping on conversation between the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus for event memory
  • 일시 : 2008년 6월 12일(목) 오후 1시30분
  • 장소 : 함춘강의실
  • 문의 : 의과학과 사무실 02-740-8095
주요 발표 논문: Gradual translocation of spatial correlates of neuronal firing in the hippocampus towards prospective reward locations. Neuron. 2006 Major dissociation between medial and lateral entorhinal input to dorsal hippocampus. Science. 2005 Comparison of population coherence of place cells in hippocampal subfields CA1 and CA3. Nature. 2004 A double dissociation between hippocampal subfields: Differential time course of CA3 and CA1 place cells for processing changed environments. Neuron. 2004 Time-dependent relationship between the hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex in spatial memory. Journal of Neuroscience. 2003 Differential contribution of NMDA receptors in hippocampal subregions to spatial working memory. Nature Neuroscience. 2002