Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

Postdoctoral Fellowship for Cancer Research

2019-05-10l Hit 1646

Postdoctoral Fellowship for Cancer Research


A postdoc position is available in Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology at University of Virginia; the laboratory of cancer genetics is looking for a motivated postdoc candidate who is interested in mechanisms of lung cancer development and progression. The laboratory developed genetically engineered mouse model and precancerous cell-based model and use functional genetics approach to determine mutations found in the patient tumors (Kim et al. Genes Dev 2016; Jia et al. Cancer Discovery 2018). Postdoctoral research will be focused on understanding how these mutations deregulate interactions among tumor cells and between tumor cell and microenvironment, including immune cells, and how mutant cells alter metabolism and adapt to cellular stress during tumor development. The laboratory is fully committed to providing an excellent training opportunity for postdoctoral fellow to conduct innovative research on lung cancer and to developing her/his career towards independent investigator position. For more information on the laboratory research, please visit

A qualified candidate must a PhD degree and a strong background in biochemistry and/or molecular and cell biology. Although additional experience in lung cancer research is plus, anyone willing to learn and apply new methods to address challenging problems is welcome. This position will be available immediately. Please send to CV and research statement that summarizes past experiences/accomplishments, research interest, and career goal. Please also send e-mail inquiry to the same address if you have any questions about science and career.

참고로, University of Virginia는 미국 버지니아 주의 샬롯츠빌 (Charlottesville) 에 위치한 주립 대학입니다. 이곳은  미국 수도인 Washington, D.C.에서 차로 2시간, 한국 교민 사회가 있는 Northern Virginia에서 1시간 30분 정도의 거리에 있습니다. Blue Ridge Mountain 에 인접해있어서 아름답고, 물가도 높지 않고, 안전해서 살기 좋은 대학 도시입니다.


 Kwon Park, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Principal Investigator

Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology

University of Virginia School of Medicine


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