Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

POSTDOC POSITION, Department of Immunobiology and Ophthalmology, Yale University, School of Medicine.

2022-03-07l Hit 637

Are you fascinated by how the immune system affects the central nervous system? Do you have neuroscience or immunology training but want to further understand how the two systems interact? We are looking for an individual to help us broaden our research with new ideas and techniques.


The Laboratory of Neuroimmunology (Song Lab) studies fundamental mechanisms that regulate immune responses in central nervous system tissues, with a special interest in brain tumors and ophthalmicneurodegenerative diseases.


Our team uses in vitro (cell lines and organoids) and in vivo (mouse) models with a combination of genetic, immunologic and engineering manipulations to uncover rules governing neuroimmunity and immune-privilege in the central nervous system. We are seeking a postdoctoral scientist interested in joining us at Yale to further investigate why the immune system in the brain is different and to devise methods to overcome barriers in treating central nervous system diseases.



- Must have a recent PhD and/or MD - Experience with mice work, microsurgery experience is a bonus

- Comfort level in basic molecular biology and cell culture techniques

- Works well in teams (will be expected to work with technicians, students, research associates and other members of the lab)

- Previous experiences in immunology or neuroscience labs are preferred although not necessary


This is a fully funded position with guaranteed salary and benefits for up to 4 years following Yale and NIH guidelines with renewal opportunities based on performance and fit. Candidate will have access to an advanced imaging core, emerging genetic, biochemical, and cell culture technologies, human clinical samples and a vibrant, supportive community of graduate students, MD/PhD students, postdocs, clinicians, and undergraduates. Postdoc will primarily work at The Anlyan Center, an excellent environment with active interaction with the rest of the Yale Immunobiology department.


Position is open for beginning March 2022. If interested, please send CV and one reference to Dr. Eric Song at


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