Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

[일반] 대학원 연구생 학생의료공제회 가입안내 Medical Mutual Aid Service for Students

2010-02-22l Hit 3756
본교 학생이 질병 또는 부상으로 진료를 받는 경우에 적절한 진료비를 보전 지급하여 학생의 보건향상에 기여하기 위해 붙임 안내문과 같이 “학생의료공제회”를 운영하고 있습니다. 동 공제회 규약에 의거 금회 가입 자격 대상인 “대학원연구생 등록자”에게 아래와 같이 알려드리니 해당학생은 등록기간에 가입하기 바랍니다. ◦ 가입대상자 : 대학원 연구생으로 등록한 학생 ◦ 자격기간 : 공제회비를 납부한 이후부터 동 학기에 한함. ◦ 공제회비 : 4,000원(2010.1학기부터) ◦ 납부기한 : 1차 ~ 3차 연구생등록 기간 ◦ 가입방법 : 연구생등록시 학생의료공제회 가입에 동의하는 학생에 대해서만 공제회비를 소속대학에서 수납하여 등록 마감후 1차 2.25(목), 2차 3.12(금), 3차 4.9(금)까지 명단과 함께 공문으로 보내주시기 바랍니다. ◦ 송금계좌 : 농협 079-01-409204(서울대의료공제회) 붙 임 학생의료공제회 안내문 1부 끝 Medical Mutual Aid Service for Students The Student Medical Mutual Aid Service financially assists students by paying a portion of their medical treatment fees when they need medical care. It is not obligatory to join the service. This system has been put into operation in order to contribute to improving the welfare of students. Students are charged a fixed fee upon admission and become members of the service for the duration of their time at SNU. 1. Membership and Fee Payment 1) Registered undergraduate students who have paid the fee upon admission: ₩32,000 (Students from Architecture: ₩40,000; Veterinary Medicine or Medicine: ₩48,000) 2) Registered graduate students who have paid the fee upon admission: ₩16,000 (Graduate School of Medicine or Dentistry: ₩32,000; School of Law: ₩24,000) 3) Enrolled students who have paid the fee from in their 5th semester: ₩4,000 (a term) 4) Research students: ₩4,000 (a term) 2. Classification 1) Coverage ㆍGeneral Medical Treatment: Up to 100,000 won, 60% (70% if you use SNU health service center) and in excess of 100,000 won, 40% will be paid. The maximum payment is 200,000 won. ㆍDental Treatment Up to 50,000 won, 60% (70% if you use SNU health service center) beyond 50,000 won, 40% will be paid. The maximum payment is 100,000 won. 2) Restrictions Plastic surgery, traffic accident, injury from violence, glasses, prosthetic dentistry, and any treatment below 10,000 won is excluded from the service. The coverage payment on the same treatment is once in a year 3) Disqualification Graduation, death, dismissal or leave of absence (except for leave of absence due to illness) 4) Application Deadline Until 2 months after graduation or completion of course work 3. Service Application Procedures 1) After medical treatment is received and the payment has been made, one must complete the subsistence application forms(attached) and present the forms and payment receipts to the Division of Welfare on the second floor of the University Administration Building. 2) Upon review and approval of the forms, a medical treatment refund will be transferred to the student’s bank account according to the fixed payment basis. 3) When medical treatment is received from a medical care facility other than the University Health Service Center, students must submit a confirmation letter from the doctor or the diagnosis documents.
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