Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

[일반] Call for SNU President Fellowship, Spring 2019

2018-12-03l Hit 3230

1. Overview

Recognizing its global social responsibility, Seoul National University launched the SNU President Fellowship to provide opportunities to faculty members of major universities in developing countries of Asia to pursue Ph.D. degrees at SNU. Based on the recognition that the main driver for national development of Korea has been its human capital, Korea is now responsible to share its experiences with other developing nations.


2. Details of the Award

A recipient of SPF will be awarded the following for the first three years of their program:

s  Full tuition fee for six semesters

s  KRW 1,500,000 monthly stipend for 4 years*

s  A round-trip airfare(economy class based on GTS system)

s  Korean language training (only evening class during semesters)

s  Group Medical Insurance(only for an awardee)

* Normative Time: All doctoral programs at the Seoul National University system have an established length of time for completion of a doctoral program, which is called Normative Time. Some doctoral programs have longer than 3-year Normative Time period (usually 4 years).

**Those who cannot make Normative Time progress will receive a deducted amount of stipend.


3. Eligibility

An applicant must be BOTH:

s  a faculty of major universities WITHOUT Ph.D. degree from developing countries in Asia, Africa, South America etc.

s  admitted and/or enrolled to SNU as Ph.D. student for the given semester

Selection priority will be given to faculty members from major universities in developing countries in Asia, Africa, South America etc.


4. Research Areas

Applicants can apply to pursue Ph.D. in any research areas but selection priority will be given to applicants doing exceptional work in engineering, medicine, public health, agriculture, developmental studies, Korean studies, etc.


5. SPF Application Timeline for 2019 Spring Semester

Admission to Seoul National University

Online Application

July 16 (Mon), 2018 ~

Submission of Documents to SNU Office of Admissions

Aug. 10 (Fri), 2018

Announcement of Admissions Decision

Nov. 23 (Fri), 2018

Application to SPF Scholarship

Application and Submission of Documents to the Office of International Affairs(College of Medicine), Room #205, Administration building

Nov. 23 (Fri), 2018 ~

Dec. 7 (Fri), 2018

Application Packages from college/department to SNU Office of International Affairs

Dec. 10 (Mon), 2018

Interview/Virtual Interview

Dec, 2018~January 2019

Announcement of the Decision

Jan. 11 (Fri), 2019

Note: All application and evidentiary '''document'''s must be submitted by the college on behalf of students to the Office of International Affairs.


6. Required Documents for SPF

s   SPF Spring 2019 Application Form (including study plan)

s   Certificate of Employment (as a faculty member)

s   Recommendation Letter from the Dean of Affiliated College at SNU

s   Video Link(Research and Teaching Achievements, Study Plan, Goals after Graduation)

-          Students could submit video file using the specified method(Vimeo, Youtube)

-          Presentations are limited to 5 minutes and competitors exceeding 5 minutes are disqualified.

s   Candidates with the Recommendation Letter from the Dean or President of your current university are given preference.


7. Contact Information

s   Tel: +82-2-880-2519

s   Email:


8. Submission : Office of International Affairs(College of Medicine), Room #205, Administration building

s   All application and evidentiary '''document'''s must be submitted by the applicant’s designated college.

서울대학교는 본교의 우수한 경험을 바탕으로 개도국의 고등교육인력을 양성함으로써 한국의 국제적 위상을 제고하고 국제협력강화에 기여하고자 SNU President Fellowship을 다음과 같이 공고하오니 해당학생은 본인소속 단과대학으로 신청서를 제출 하시기 바랍니다. 

1. 사업개요

개도국 유수의 대학 우수 교원 중 박사학위 미소지자를 선발하여 서울대학교 박사학위과정에서 수학함 (항목에 따라 최대 3~4년 지원)

2. 지원대상

본교 20191학기 박사학위과정 입학자 중 개도국 주요대학의 대학 교원으로서 박사학위 미소지자 (아시아, 아프리카, 남미 등 주요 개도국 교원 우선 선발)

3. 지원예산 :

박사과정 등록금 전액 6학기까지 지원

생활비 지원(4, 150만원/)

왕복 항공료 실비 지원(GTS기준 내)

학기 중 언어교육원 한국어교육(저녁반) 지원

단체 보험료 지원(선발자만 해당)

BK 국제관 입사 지원

4. 지원자격

2019년도 1학기 서울대 박사과정 입학생 및 재학생(재학생은 재학학기 차감하여 지급)

개도국 박사학위 미소지자 교원

5. 선발인원 : 약간 명

6. 선정방법

SNU President Fellowship 선정심사위원회를 구성하여 선정

7. 신청방법


   - 신청서 제출: 2018.12.7.()까지 지원자 → 의과대학 국제협력실(행정관 205호)

   - 교내 인터뷰: 2018.12월 말 ~1월 초 (합격자에 한해 이메일 발송)

   - 대상자 최종선정: 2019.01.11.() (합격자에 한해 이메일 발송)


   - SNU President Fellowship 신청서(수학계획서, 동영상 포함)

   - 대학교원 재직증명서(대학명, 대표자, 소재지, 근무부서, 직급, 재직기간 포함)

   - 서울대학교 소속 단과대학()장 추천서

   - 현 소속 총장 추천서(가산점)

제출방법 : 소속 단과대학을 통해 지원 서류 첨부하여 공문으로 제출

문의처: 서울대학교 국제협력본부담당자: 김유리 02-880-2519,