Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

2013년 2학기 우수의과학자 초청 세미나 1주차

  • Speaker : 박성진 박사(Johns Hopkins Univ.)
  • Topic : To Cleave or Not To Cleave: Novel Enzymatic Regulation of Nervous System Development and Function
  • Date : 2013년 9월 4일(수) PM 2:00
  • Location : 함춘강의실
  • Inquiry : 02-740-8095
대표발표논문 : A prolyl-isomerase mediates dopamine-dependent plasticity and cocaine motor sensitization. Cell. 2013 Aug 1;154(3):637-50. GDE2 promotes neurogenesis by glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor cleavage of RECK. Science. 2013 Jan 18;339(6117):324-8. GDE2 regulates subtype-specific motor neuron generation through inhibition of Notch signaling. Neuron. 2011 Sep 22;71(6):1058-70. Homeostatic scaling requires group I mGluR activation mediated by Homer1a. Neuron. 2010 Dec 22;68(6):1128-42. Elongation factor 2 and fragile X mental retardation protein control the dynamic translation of Arc/Arg3.1 essential for mGluR-LTD. Neuron. 2008 Jul 10;59(1):70-83.