2014-2학기 우수의과학자 초청 세미나(5주차)
- Speaker : 이명식 교수(성균관대학교)
- Topic : Amyloid clearance and Autophagy
- Date : 2014년 10월 7일 화요일 오후2시
- Location : 함춘강의실
- Inquiry : 의과학과 사무실 740-8095
<이명식 교수 발표논문>
-Autophagy- a key player in cellular and body metabolism. Nature Rev Endocrinol 10: 322-337, 2014
-Amyloidogenic peptide oligomer accumulation in autophagy-deficient β-cells leads to diabetes. J Clin Invest 124: 3311-3324, 2014
-Systemic autophagy insufficiency compromises adaptation to metabolic stress and facilitates progression from obesity to diabetes. Nat Commun, in press, 2014
-An increase in the Akkermansia sp. population induced by metformin treatment improves glucose homeostasis in diet-induced obese mice. Gut 63:727-735, 2014
-The AMPK-PPARGC1A pathway is required for antimicrobial host defense through activation of autophagy. Autophagy 10: 785-802, 2014