Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

2009년2학기 우수의과학자 초청 세미나 1주차

  • Speaker : 구남온 박사(연세대학교 생명시스템과학부)
  • Topic : Cytoskeletal keratin glycosylation protects from epithelial tissue injury
  • Date : 2009년 9월 9일(수) 오전 9:30
  • Location : 함춘강의실
  • Inquiry : 02-740-8093,5
발표논문 Keratin 8 and 18 hyperphosphorylation is a marker of human liver disease progression. Hepatology. 2004 Raf-1 activation disrupts its binding to keratins during cell stress. J Cell Biol. 2004 Keratins as susceptibility genes for end-stage liver disease. Gastroenterology. 2005 Bispecific and human disease-related anti-keratin rabbit monoclonal antibodies. Exp Cell Res. 2006 Denaturing temperature selection may underestimate keratin mutation detection by DHPLC. Hum Mutat. 2006 A disease and phosphorylation related non-mechanical function for keratin 8. J Cell Biol. 2006 Keratin 18 overexpression but not phosphorylation or filament organization blocks mouse Mallory body formation. Hepatology. 2007