Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

의과학과 초청세미나 - 이세범 박사(University of California)

  • Speaker : 이세범 박사(University of California)
  • Topic : Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: What have we learned from animal models and human disease?
  • Date : 2014년 7월 21일(월) AM 11:00
  • Location : 의과학관 115호
  • Inquiry : 02-740-8095
대표 발표 논문 : (2008) Inhibition of basal activity of c-jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) represses the expression of presenilin-1 by p53-dependent mechanisms. Brain Research. May 1;1207. (2010) Transcriptional regulation of the presenilin-1 gene controls γ-secretase activity. Frontiers in Bioscience. Jan 1;2. (2013) Transcriptional corepressors HIPK1 and HIPK2 control angiogenesis via TFG-b-TAK1-MEF2C-dependent mechanisms. Plos biology. April;11(4). (2013) FALS mutation FUS-R521C causes profound dendritic and synaptic phenotype due to transcription and splicing defects. Journal of clinical investigation. J Clin Invest. 2014 Mar 3;124(3):981-99. (2013) HIPK2-mediated neuronal apoptosis during ER stress contributes to neurodegeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (In preparation).