Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

2009년2학기 우수의과학자 초청 세미나 7주차

  • Speaker : Cabin1 restrains p53 activity on chromatin
  • Topic : 윤 홍 덕 박사(서울대 의대)
  • Date : 2009년 10월 21일(수) 오전 9:30
  • Location : 의과대학 함춘강의실
  • Inquiry : 02-740-8095
발표논문 Cabin1 restrains p53 activity on chromatin. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2009 p53 stabilization and transactivation by a von Hippel-Lindau protein. Molecular Cell. 2006 CtBP represses p300-mediated transcriptional activation by direct association with its bromodomain. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2005 Sequence-specific recruitment of transcriptional co-repressor Cabin1 by myocyte enhancer factor-2. Nature. 2003 Cabin1 represses MEF2-dependent Nur77 expression and T cell apoptosis by controlling association of histone deacetylases and acetylases with MEF2. Immunity. 2000