Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU

2009년2학기 우수의과학자 초청 세미나 11주차

  • Speaker : 한 진 희 박사(KAIST 생명과학부)
  • Topic : Searching for Memory trace
  • Date : 2009년 11월 18일(수) 오전 9:30
  • Location : 함춘강의실
  • Inquiry : 02-740-8095
발표논문 : Selective erasure of a fear memory. Science. 2009 Increasing CREB in the auditory thalamus enhances memory and generalization of auditory conditioned fear. Learn Mem. 2008 Neuronal competition and selection during memory formation. Science. 2007 Nuclear translocation of CAM-associated protein activates transcription for long-term facilitation in Aplysia. Cell. 2007 Regulation of ApC/EBP mRNA by the Aplysia AU-rich element-binding protein, ApELAV, and its effects on 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced long-term facilitation. J Neurochem . 2006 A nucleolar protein ApLLP induces ApC/EBP expression required for long-term synaptic facilitation in Aplysia neurons. Neuron. 2006