Research Field
Excessively activated STAT3 protein has been found to be closely related to cancer angiogenesis, metastasis, and the tumor microenvironment. However, the specific mechanism is not well known. In this laboratory, we are not only studying the function of STAT3 protein in cancer development and metastasis, but also how STAT3 protein induces immune evasion and cancer development by regulating immune surveillance in the tumor microenvironment. First, in order to understand the molecular mechanism of STAT3-induced cancer development, we intend to identify and analyze novel STAT3 targets. Second, we intend to develop pharmacological mechanisms and drugs for new STAT3 protein inhibitors, and ultimately, discover new biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and develop new anticancer and anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of solid cancer.Keyword
STAT3, angiogenesis, cancer stem cells, Inflammatory diseases, T cell developmentEducation
- 2001 Ph.D. in Medical Science (Tasuku Honjo Lab. Immunology)
- Kyoto University, Japan
- 1996 M.S. in Microbiology (Kwang Ho Lee Lab. Molecular Immunology)
- Kon-kuk University, Korea
- 1994 B.S. in Molecularbiology
- Kon-kuk University, Korea
- 2011.9-present Professor Department of Pharmacology, Seoul National Unversity College of Medicine
- 2006.9-2011.8 Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology, Seoul National Unversity College of Medicine
- 2002.9-2006.8 Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology, Seoul National Unversity College of Medicine
- 2001.3~2002.8 Post-Doc. in Institute for Virus Research Kyoto University (Koich Ikuta Lab, JSPS fellowship), Japan
- Han JK, Kwon SH, Kim YG, Choi J, Kim JI, Lee YS, Ye SK, Kim SJ. Ablation of STAT3 in Purkinje cells reorganizes cerebellar synaptic plasticity in long-term fear memory network. Elife. 2021 Jan 18;10:e63291. [IF : 7.080]
- Noh KH, Jeong AJ, Lee H, Lee SH, Yi E, Chang PS, Kwak C, Ye SK. Crosstalk Between Prostate Cancer Cells and Tumor-Associated Fibroblasts Enhances the Malignancy by Inhibiting the Tumor Suppressor PLZF. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Apr 27;12(5):1083. [IF : 6.162]
- Kwon YJ, Seo EB, Kwon SH, Lee SH, Kim SK, Park SK, Kim K, Park S, Park IC, Park JW, Ye SK. Extracellular Acidosis Promotes Metastatic Potency via Decrease of the BMAL1 Circadian Clock Gene in Breast Cancer. Cells. 2020 Apr 16;9(4):989. [IF : 5.656]
- Byung-Hak Kim, Haeri Lee, Cheol Gyu Park, Ae Jin Jeong, Song-Hee Lee, Kum Hee Noh, Jong Bae Park, Chung-Gi Lee, Sun Ha Paek, Hyunggee Kim, Sang-Kyu Ye*. STAT3 Inhibitor ODZ10117 Suppresses Glioblastoma Malignancy and Prolongs Survival in a Glioblastoma Xenograft Model. Cells. 2020 Mar 15;9(3):722. [IF:5.656]
- Byung-Hak Kim, Haeri Lee, Yeonghun Song, Joon-Suk Park, Changdev G Gadhe, Jiwon Choi, Chung-Gi Lee, Ae Nim Pae, Sanghee Kim, Sang-Kyu Ye*. Development of Oxadiazole-Based ODZ10117 as a Small-Molecule Inhibitor of STAT3 for Targeted Cancer Therapy. J Clin Med. 2019 Nov 2;8(11):1847. [IF:5.656]