Department of Biomedical Sciences, SNU




Research Field
Microbiota (Microbiome)
We are interested in the role of the microbiota in the pathogenesis of various diseases and the maintenance of homeostasis immune system. To do that, we have established various animal models and 16S rRNA amplicon NGS and performed various in vitro & in vivo experiments. Furthermore, we are collaborating with several physicians to expand our knowledge by clinical implications.
- Gut-Brain axis
- Novel role of Microbiota in Adjuvanticity
- Role of Microbiota for maintaining Homeostasis
- Interaction between Gene-Microbiota
- Interaction among Microbe-Microbiota-Disease pathogenesis
Microbiota, Microbiome, Innate Immunity,


  • B.S. and B.E., Department of Microbiology and Department of Computer Science, Seoul National University, 2003
  • Ph.D., School of Bioscience, Seoul National University, 2009


  • Researcher, Institute for Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University, 2009-2010
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, BK21 Advanced Training Program for Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, 2010-2011
  • Research Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School, 2011-2016
  • Research Professor, Center for Integrative Rheumatoid Transcriptomics and Dynamics, The Catholic University of Korea, 2016-2018
  • Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 2018-Present


  1. Kim D, Kim YM, Kim WU, Park JH, Núñez G, Seo SU. Recognition of the microbiota by Nod2 contributes to the oral adjuvant activity of cholera toxin through the induction of IL-1β. Immunology, 158: 219-229. (2019)
  2. Kim D, Seo SU, Zeng M, Kim WU, Kamada N, Inohara N, Núñez G. Mesenchymal Cell-Specific MyD88 Signaling Promotes Systemic Dissemination of Salmonella Typhimurium via Inflammatory Monocytes. Journal of Immunology, 199: 1362-1371. (2017)
  3. Hwang EH, Kim TH, JY Park, Hong JJ, Kim D, Ha SJ, Yang SJ, Shin SJ and Park JH. TLR2 contributes to trigger immune response of pleural mesothelial cells against Mycobacterium bovis BCG and M. tuberculosis infection. Cytokine, 95:80-87. (2017)
  4. Kim D, Zeng YM, Núñez G. The interplay between host immune cells and gut microbiota in chronic inflammatory diseases. Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 49:e339. (2017)
  5. Choi S, Yoo S, Kim D, Choi SY, Kwon HM, Kim HS, Hwang D, Park YJ, Cho CS, Kim WU. Transcription factor NFAT5 promotes macrophage survival in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 127:954–969. (2017)
  6. Kim D, Kim YG, Seo SU, Kim DJ, Kamada N, Prescott D, Chamaillard M, Philpott DJ, Rosenstiel P, Inohara N, Núñez G. Nod2-mediated recognition of the microbiota is critical for mucosal adjuvant activity of cholera toxin. Nature Medicine. 22: 524-530. (2016)